September 2022
So out of the ground the Lord God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all cattle and to the birds of the air and to every animal of the field…
-Genesis 2:19-20
It is pretty amazing when you think about it. The Almighty. The Creator of the Universe. The God of Life and Death, includes us in the act of creation. We are invited to participate. To name. To create and to be creative. Throughout all of scripture, God continually invites us to co-create beauty, mercy, grace, and justice DESPITE our continued self-centered sinfulness. We are sinners, but that is not our ultimate identity!
In the beginning, we hear that we – you, me, all of humanity – are created in God’s image. If God is a creator, then we too, are called to be creators.
Over the last two years, we have seen a lot of destruction. Disease tearing people down. People tearing each other down. Natural disasters and wars tearing societies down. What if we, the church, dedicated this year to creating?
You are invited to join in an art experience at St. Peter’s this year. These experiences are open to you and our community. Our hope is that each member will try at least one art opportunity from September-May. In May, we plan to host a community art show at the church and show the beauty, mercy, grace, joy, suffering, healing, grief, and hope that is translated through our collective work!
Please know that art is not my first “language.” I still remember the "grades” I got in school for art class. It is a risk to make something. It is much easier to criticize. And yet, there is something life-giving about putting brush to canvas, shaping clay, weaving fabric, processing a photo, or moving your body to music. Will you take a risk with St. Peter's this year?
We are also calling practicing artists of all ages and mediums. Would you be willing to facilitate an art experience at St. Peter’s? What are you passionate about? What would you like to see/hear/experience more of in our world? It could be dance, gardening, flower arranging, knitting, quilting, woodworking, ceramics, music, creative writing, photography, cooking, paper art…the options are limitless!
Please take a moment to appreciate the beauty that God has created around you today. Look at the way the dog wiggles its butt as it walks down the stairs. Observe the contrasts of color in your neighbor's garden. Listen to a song from a station that you never turn on. Dream. Then create one thing this year. See how it makes you feel and how it might connect you more deeply to our ultimate Creator. Peace, Pastor Jim