Beliefs, Mission, Values
Our Beliefs
At St. Peter's we believe that:
God has created and sustains all that exists, and his truth is revealed to us in the Holy Bible.
God entered human history in the human form of Jesus Christ and revealed himself through Christ's ministry, crucifixion and resurrection.
God works through the Church for the redemption of creation by the power of the Holy Spirit.
God changes lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ by calling Christians to lives of discipleship.
God calls us to witness to his Word revealed in Holy Scripture, Holy Baptism and in Holy Communion.
God calls us to be caring and compassionate to those in need.
God has provided a foundation for ministry in the historical witness of the Christian Church, especially in the ecumenical creed and the Lutheran Confessions.
Our Mission
At St. Peter's we:
Welcome people to the faith in Jesus Christ
Educate people to be faithful disciples
Share our blessings to make a difference in the world in Jesus' name
Our Values
At St. Peter's we value:
Daily Prayer
Weekly Worship
Each individual as a child of God who posesses unique gifts, talents and abilities
Personal integrity
Participation in "life-long" Christian education and Bible study
Compassion and hospitality