Reformation Sunday

Reformation Sunday

Reformation Day, annually occurring on October 31, honors Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses on the Castle Church doors in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. This holiday is largely exclusive to Protestants as a commemoration of the origin of the Protestant Reformation. Luther's 95 theses sparked the Reformation, as they were quickly translated and spread across Germany within weeks. 

Dr. Ray Pritchard writes: "on Reformation Day, we pause to give thanks to God for Martin Luther and for the recovery of the gospel truth that we are declared righteous in the eyes of God solely based on what Jesus Christ accomplished for us in his bloody death and victorious resurrection."

Martin Luther, desiring to spark theological discussion over the medieval practice of selling indulgences, nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. That happened 503 years ago today. The spark he set off ignited a flame that spread across Europe and became known as the Protestant Reformation. By challenging the church's authority and its doctrine, Luther reclaimed for Christianity the central doctrine of salvation-justification by faith alone.

Luther took a bold and dangerous step as he nailed a paper to the door of a Cathedral in Wittenberg, Germany, on which he had written 95 complaints against the only Christian community of his day - his own Church. It went down in history as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. The protests that were written that day for the public to see began the most dramatic reform within Christianity.

Reformation Day is traditionally observed on October 31, the same day as Halloween. In numerous German states, it is a public holiday; likewise, many branches of the government and court system are often closed. 

In the United States, this holiday is often observed on the Sunday preceding Halloween, a day recognized as Reformation Sunday, which will be October 27, 2024. We invite you to wear RED on Reformation Sunday to remind us of the fire of the Spirit.

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All Saints Sunday

All Saints Sunday

All Saints' Day celebration has a long history in the worship life of the Christian Church. It began as a commemoration of the martyrs who had died for the faith, and it has since become a day when we honor and remember those who, in death, have joined the Church Triumphant, as well as the faithful saints of the present who serve Jesus Christ. Martin Luther held that all Christians are simultaneously sinner and saint--a sinner because of our rebellious nature, but a saint because of salvation in Jesus.

During the worship service, we will honor the memory of those saints in the St. Peter’s community who have died in the last year, as well as celebrate the saints who have joined St. Peter’s through the sacrament of baptism in the last year.

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Name Tag Sunday

Name Tag Sunday

When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

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Book Club Meeting

Book Club Meeting

Join us for lively discussion about our favorite thing: reading books! We’ll meet in the conference room - or in our outdoor pavilion if weather permits! - after worship (grab a coffee & a snack in the fellowship hall, too!).

This month, our book selection is “The Frozen River” by Ariel Lawhon.

All are welcome!

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Name Tag Sunday

Name Tag Sunday

When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

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Book Club Meeting

Book Club Meeting

Join us for lively discussion about our favorite thing: reading books! We’ll meet in the conference room - or in our outdoor pavilion if weather permits! - after worship (grab a coffee & a snack in the fellowship hall, too!).

Sunday, October 20th after worship service

This month’s book selection: “Speed King” by Marci McGuiness

In Speed King, the inspired-by-a-true-story novel, Southwestern Pennsylvania was the Coal Capital of the world and in Uniontown, Gideon Steele was king. His Steele Mine "Coal Patch" town sported a line of sad duplexes with shared outdoor latrines housing his miners and their downtrodden families. They scraped together meager livings, dependent on Mr. Steele's Mine and Company Store.

This is the story of an orphaned Patch Kid who became the President of the Uniontown Speedway board track after beating the 1915 Indianapolis 500 winner at the 1915 Summit Mountain Hill Climb.

All are welcome!

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Fall Family Fun Night

Fall Family Fun Night

Join us for Fall Family Fun Night! All ages welcome at this free, family-friendly event!

Activities include:
Corn Sack Races
Egg & Spoon Race
Bobbing for Apples
Pumpkin Painting
Spooky Bible Stories

... and
Marshmallow Roast over Fire
Fall-themed snacks & refreshments

Learn more & sign up to attend so we get an idea for supplies & snacks! (Sign up located on "Get Involved!" Bulletin board OR by calling 724.439.4730.)

To receive updates on St. Peter's happenings & how you can be involved, subscribe to our newsletter at

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Name Tag Sunday

Name Tag Sunday

When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

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Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross

Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross

Be a part of a life-saving cause! Schedule your appointment to donate blood at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on July 2nd.

Here are a few details to help you prepare:

Maximize your blood donation. Help more patients. If you are an eligible type O, B- or A- donor, consider making a Power Red donation. Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component.

Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter SPLC to schedule an appointment.

Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

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Pet Blessing Service

Pet Blessing Service

Join us as we honor the relationship with the animal friends in our lives. You may bring your pet or join us with a picture or other memento of your pet.

If you would like to bring your pet for a blessing, please ensure your pet is leashed or contained for its own safety & the safety of other animals and people. Please remain in control of your pet at all times. Water & cat / dog treats will be provided (if your pet has particular treats they enjoy, please bring with you).

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Book Club Meeting

Book Club Meeting

Join us for lively discussion about our favorite thing: reading books! We’ll meet in the conference room - or in our outdoor pavilion if weather permits! - after worship (grab a coffee & a snack in the fellowship hall, too!).

This month, we invite you to bring your review of a book you've recently read. Let's add to our "to-be-read" list for fall!

All are welcome!

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God's Work, Our Hands - Day of Service

God's Work, Our Hands - Day of Service

Sunday, September 8th

This year marks the 11th anniversary of “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday!


On Sunday, Sept. 8th, congregations of the ELCA will join together for our annual day of service. “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday began in 2013 in connection with the ELCA’s 25th anniversary. It continues to be an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life — flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.


Join us in celebrating 11 years on Sept. 8th!


We will enjoy pizza & fellowship after Sunday worship service, sponsored by our Service & Outreach Team, then meet at the local food bank at 1:00pm for our service project.


“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is an extension of the work you do every day to make your community a better place.

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Backpack / Work Bag Blessing

Backpack / Work Bag Blessing

Bring your school backpack and/or work bag for a special blessing during Sunday’s service this weekend. We wish our student, teachers, staff & parents/caregivers a positive, safe return to work & school next week!

Bless the school year ahead –

fill it with compassion for those making difficult decisions,

comfort to parents wondering how to manage home, work, and school,

and strength to teachers navigating new ways of learning.

Bless the school year ahead –

reminding us to see our neighbors as ourselves and Christ in all that we meet.

Bless the school year ahead –

remembering that God always goes before us

and claims us as beloved children of God.

Bless the school year ahead –

trusting your grace in our lives and hope for what is to come.

Be with us this year. Grant us your wisdom, Lord, that we continue to seek it, and look for signs of your love all around us.  

Source: Kimberly Knowle-Zeller, an ordained ELCA pastor

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Annual Church Picnic

Annual Church Picnic

Join us on Saturday, August 27th for our annual church picnic!

Let’s enjoy an informal worship, then move into enjoying food, conversation, games & crafts for all ages together!

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Name Tag Sunday

Name Tag Sunday

When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

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Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross

Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross

Be a part of a life-saving cause! Schedule your appointment to donate blood at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on August 9th.

Here are a few details to help you prepare:

Maximize your blood donation. Help more patients. If you are an eligible type O, B- or A- donor, consider making a Power Red donation. Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component.

Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter SPLC to schedule an appointment.

Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

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Name Tag Sunday

Name Tag Sunday

When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

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Name Tag Sunday

Name Tag Sunday

When is the last time you were talking with someone & their name just slipped from your grasp? Well, we’ve got a solution for that! It’s Name Tag Sunday - the first Sunday of every month. Grab a name tag at the entryway, write your name, & go confidently into your conversations at St. Peter’s!

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Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross

Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross

Be a part of a life-saving cause! Schedule your appointment to donate blood at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on July 2nd.

Here are a few details to help you prepare:

Maximize your blood donation. Help more patients. If you are an eligible type O, B- or A- donor, consider making a Power Red donation. Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused blood component.

Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter SPLC to schedule an appointment.

Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.

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Summer Mini-Camp at St. Peter's!
to Jun 27

Summer Mini-Camp at St. Peter's!

St. Peter's is hosting a free three-day adventure for children in K - 5th grade, Tuesday 06/25 - Thursday 06/27 from 6 PM - 8 PM.

This exciting program will be fully staffed with adult volunteers and will include games, crafts, snacks, and fun ways for kids to worship God and learn about Jesus together. (Note: All volunteers have submitted state & federal background checks.)

Plus we'll wrap our adventure up with an all-ages ICE CREAM SUNDAE party on Thursday evening! Please invite ANY children in K - 5th grade, and be sure to fill out a registration form, (COMING SOON) … or email your interest to

Alternatively, get a registration form through our office at or by calling 724.439.4730.

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