October 2021

Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any pos sessions, but everything they owned was held in common. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resur rection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as  owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was  distributed to each as any had need. 

Acts 4:32-35 

What does it mean to “be” church? I’ve wondered often about this question, especially during the last 18+ months of the  pandemic. What makes us a church? Is it singing, or communion at the altar, or is it what we wear…or don’t wear? 

I am guessing that the apostles and early followers of Jesus were asking themselves the same question after Jesus ascended  to heaven after his resurrection. “How do we go about being the church?” It is interesting to note that along with preaching  and sharing the sacraments, the early church (according to the Book of Acts) seems to have placed a strong emphasis on  sharing and helping those in need. My mom once told me, “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giv ing.”  

Recently, the Kishel-Roberts family got a diagnosis that everyone fears. Their 6-year-old son has cancer. I can’t begin to  imagine what Ridley, his parents, and all those who love him are going through right now.  

The good news is that the doctors caught this disease because of a routine “jump-rope-to-the-head-from-a-big-sister” inci dent. Ridley does not have symptoms as of yet. He has started chemo and is facing his treatment bravely. The family is  working with top-notch medical staff at Children’s Hospital, and those doctors are working with experts around the country  to provide healing and restoration to Ridley. 

The gospel is that Ridley and his family do not have to face this battle alone. Ridley has been claimed by God through the  waters of baptism, and our church community pledged to support and care and nurture Ridley and his family. We are not  helpless. We are not hopeless. Many of you have asked what you can do to support Ridley at this time.  

PRAY! Lift Ridley and his parents, Bruce & Karrie, up daily in prayer. Pray for healing. Pray for strength. Pray for  wisdom and skill for his medical team.  

DONATE! All of us have been ill, and we know the stress and cost of being sick. If you are in a position to help, please  consider giving by… 

Gas Cards – Ridley has to travel regularly for doctor’s appointments. The family usually fills up at Sheetz or  GetGo.  

Grocery Gift Cards – The Kishel-Roberts family shops at Walmart, Giant Eagle, and Aldis. Ridley also loves  Chick-fil-A Cracker Barrel and any restaurant that serves pancakes.  

Cash – You can write checks to the church, and we can get the funds to the family for whatever extra expenses  they are incurring. 

Notes of Encouragement – you can mail words of encouragement to the family.  

September was childhood cancer awareness month. So, this October, we will be praying, donating, and supporting the  Kishel-Roberts family. Donations can be sent through the mail or dropped off at the church and will be delivered to the  family at the end of the month. Thank you for your prayers and support!  

Peace be with you, 

Pastor Jim


November 2021


September 2021