Now What?
“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
April 30th is only the Fourth Sunday of the season of Easter -- we have heard from Matthew, John, and Luke, and have covered most of Jesus’ resurrection appearances. We have this huge build-up to Easter, where we dive deeply into the stories of Jesus’ miracles, teachings, arrest, trial, suffering, and death. Then, we celebrate new life and hope, hear some stories about Jesus showing his scars and taking his disciples hiking on a mountain ... and then the story of Easter is over, right?
Yet the Fourth Sunday of Easter returns us to Jesus' teachings, life and ministry. Didn’t we just cover all of this? Maybe that is precisely the point.
When Jesus shows us in word and action how we are to live differently in this world as his followers, we may find ourselves -- like so many before us -- skeptical and resistant to his counter-cultural teachings:
-What do you mean, “give of my time, energy, and resources to serve those in need?” I worked hard for what I have. Why should I share it with people who might "misuse" or "waste" my gift?
-What do you mean, “turn the other cheek?” I'll get slapped twice (or more) and be taken advantage of!
-What do you mean, “take up your cross and follow me?” I want to win, not lose!
Before Jesus' resurrection, we might have viewed his deeds and teachings as hypothetical advice or nice stories. After his resurrection and the destruction of sin and death, all of Jesus’ previous commands are confirmed and we are sent forth to live them out.
The Lord is Risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! We cannot set the Bible down after Easter and go back to the ways we were thinking and living before we experienced Jesus’ love and ministry. It is Easter today, tomorrow, and forever! We read scripture, receive the sacraments, and serve those in need with the assurance that Christ is alive. How does that knowledge, how does that confirmation, how does that good news change your everyday life?
The time following Easter Day & the LOOOOOONG “Green Season” is our “now what” challenge in the light of the resurrection. What do we do now that Jesus’ advice has become gospel? When you hear scripture after Easter, ask “what will I, what will WE, do next?”
Where does the world’s deepest need meet your gifts? May God bless us and keep us. May God’s face shine on us. As we journey back into the story of Jesus Christ, may God help us to ask ourselves and our faith community, “Now what?” He is STILL risen! Pastor Jim